4th of July Christmas DIY Elvis Hannah New Year October Olan Rogers a pretty cool thing adventure advice animals art aunt flow avatar avengers awesome awkward babysitting beatles bed head best friend bike biking birthday blackmail books bored bright side brooklyn brother bucket list cammie camping captain america chalking college conference cousins d-day dad dreams dresses election day emily ends everything fall family feeling blue feet fellows fine food friday nights friends friendshow fun funny future gifts girls camp good gospel grandparents gratitude halloween happy harry potter hawaii help here's to hiking hipsters holiday holiday spirit home hot coca hygiene ice skating instagram lameo laughing lengthy lessons liebster links lists loads of pictures mail marriage media merry monday miamaids missionaries mom money mormon ads movies mumford and sons music mustaches nerd new night games parents park party past patriotic phone photo overload photos photoshoots pictures pie day pinterest presents pro con procrastonation promise prophet pumpkin question quotes rainstorm rambling reflections reminders reunions reward rocks sassy school screen shots scripture scouts scriptures seasons greetings secrets shakespeare shoes sick sisters sneak preview snow songs spiderman spring spruce start story study summer sundays super heros tagged teachers temple thanksgiving that explains it! the loser life travels tv tweets vacation video vote weekends whatever where the heart is wicked winning winter wonderland words are for smucks young womans

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

it's a holiday or something.

Happy Halloween kids. 
or should I say
Happy go get candy from strangers day. 
Seriously, am I the only one who thinks that it is ironic
that every other day of the year
children are advised to "not take candy from strangers"
but on Halloween, there parents make them do it. 
Just saying. Whoever made this holiday clearly didn't know the meaning of 
Stranger Danger. 

Sunday, October 28, 2012

sneak a peek.

Well ladies and gents, Me and Hannah had ourselves a fall leaves party. 
(AKA we spent more time making the pile than jumping in it) 
But since my computer is a dunce head 
and somehow manages to make all my pictures that were so carefully edited into one picture
(and not even my favorite one) 
I only have  3 pictures of our fun fall festivities when I should have 10. 
So enjoy one for now and keep waiting for me to 
stop banging my head on the wall long enough to edit the rest. 

Thursday, October 25, 2012

If you're not a fan of attractive men, you probably shouldn't read this post.

Well kids, it's that time of the month. PMS is a lovely thing isn't it? When I start feeling it, I just look up pictures of attractive men. It usually works quite nicely, also cake works. What things do you do when you want to hide under your bed with a heating pad and cry? 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Sue me...

Me and Kristin are on the same page.
I never used to be the person who listened to Christmas music 3 months before the actual holiday. 
But then one day Brooklyn said to me
"Do you know what I'm excited for?
"Christmas music. It's the happiest music"
Then when I got home, Christmas with Scotty Mccreery was in the "what's new" section
What would you have done?
I now have a Christmas music addiction.
Mother will be so disappointed in me

Monday, October 22, 2012

Brooklyn, Brooklyn take me in

That girl there is my best friend. 
Her picture didn't make the weekend post. 
But it's ok, I have plenty of pictures and plenty of posts to post.
She is funny and crazy and sometimes people miss the other stuff. 
But not me, 
she always gets it.
She gets it when I want more notes on my english papers
and she gets it when I hate everyone.
I like her. I like her a lot. 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

this weekend

Hey guess what kids? 
I have a pretty good life.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Thats just what they do

Sometimes my friends start a flash mob in the middle of the hallway. 
Have a great day. 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Don't fade away

Sometimes I get addicted to The Voice. 
If I was on it, I would choose Blake Shelton as my coach
And I would sing "Reminder" by Mumford and Sons for my blind auditions. 
Thats all for now folks

Friday, October 12, 2012

help wanted

I decided to enter the reflections contest at our school. The theme is the magic of a moment. I am trying to decide which edited version of this picture to use. Helpers are appreciated:

Thursday, October 11, 2012


Dove, Nectarine and White Ginger is my current scent of choice. 
It is pretty appropriate seeing as I am a white ginger. 
Just let that sink it.

Tuesday, October 09, 2012

he is a wise man

There is a reason that this man is our living prophet. 
He knows his stuff and says this during priesthood session.
I love general conference. 

Thursday, October 04, 2012

they're on repeat.

by Philip Philips 
is my favorite song 

Phinease and Ferb
is my favorite show

The Avengers
is my favorite movie 

And I like it like that. 

Tuesday, October 02, 2012

wake me up, when september ends

I don't like posts without pictures.
I have not been in the mood to take pictures lately.
Hence I have not posted in 140 years.
All I do is come home, eat cake, and do homework.
Dad brought European candy from work. 
My favorite was the rum flavored ones. 
Sue me, I like the flavor of rum.
They're gone now. 
I am an extra credit machine. 
I am actually proud of my grades this year,
because I actually had to work for them.
 Books rock, 
I read them like a man watches football;
all the time.
I like it when I go to World Geography
and my teacher is singing Bon Jovi.
It's October babies. 
It is my wake up call.