4th of July Christmas DIY Elvis Hannah New Year October Olan Rogers a pretty cool thing adventure advice animals art aunt flow avatar avengers awesome awkward babysitting beatles bed head best friend bike biking birthday blackmail books bored bright side brooklyn brother bucket list cammie camping captain america chalking college conference cousins d-day dad dreams dresses election day emily ends everything fall family feeling blue feet fellows fine food friday nights friends friendshow fun funny future gifts girls camp good gospel grandparents gratitude halloween happy harry potter hawaii help here's to hiking hipsters holiday holiday spirit home hot coca hygiene ice skating instagram lameo laughing lengthy lessons liebster links lists loads of pictures mail marriage media merry monday miamaids missionaries mom money mormon ads movies mumford and sons music mustaches nerd new night games parents park party past patriotic phone photo overload photos photoshoots pictures pie day pinterest presents pro con procrastonation promise prophet pumpkin question quotes rainstorm rambling reflections reminders reunions reward rocks sassy school screen shots scripture scouts scriptures seasons greetings secrets shakespeare shoes sick sisters sneak preview snow songs spiderman spring spruce start story study summer sundays super heros tagged teachers temple thanksgiving that explains it! the loser life travels tv tweets vacation video vote weekends whatever where the heart is wicked winning winter wonderland words are for smucks young womans

Monday, January 28, 2013

Artsy Moods

I've been in an artsy kind of mood lately, staying up to the wee hours of the morning drawing tigers, spending my weekends cracking out sarcastic stories, and of course, looking forward all day to the time when I can come home and use my mom's watercolors. Also, I read anything that I can get under my nose and I eat even more, sleeping? aint nobody got time for that. Have a very merry Monday!

Sunday, January 27, 2013


Leather journals
Distracted by pine trees
The mountain call
Lions and Tigers
50 markers scattered on the floor
alliteration, alliteration, alliteration
Harry Potter five
Be Still my Soul
Polka dots
Sweaters that remind me of warm bread
High waisted skirts
Strawberry mango yogurt 
Hymn book poetry
Bye bye inversion
Hopeless wanderer
Guilty pleasures
The day of rest

Saturday, January 26, 2013

happy hair

Being sick means mountains of homework. 
Don't you love those gems for teachers who give you a worksheet and then no way to fill it out? Probably will get mad at me for copying off of my neighbor but she had it coming. 

My math teacher rocks. Organization is her best quality and it is very helpful for those of us who haven't been to school for a week. Making good use of staples is why she is the coolest. 

Shakespeare is great and all that but aint nobody understanding what the heck he is talking about. I thought Much Ado about Nothing was bad but that was before I tried to fill out a worksheet on Romeo and Juliet. 

Making models of DNA is fun. I guess I brought this on myself, but the wire backbone was honestly  not a  good idea. I was always bad with wire and I scraped up my hands more than I would like to admit. I just feel bad I never used those mini marshmallows mom bought. 

Essays essays are no fun. Therefore I procrastinate them worse than anything else. AKA it was due almost a week ago but seeing as I was gone I still haven't done it. I should really write a book about procrastinating. eh, I'll do it tomorrow. 

Two boxes of tissues and a messy bun later and I think that maybe I will be ready to go back to school on Monday. But until then I plan on spending my time eating pineapple popsicles with lame jokes on the sticks and reading. Cheers.  

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Some call it death but I just call it boredom

Being sick is not a fun thing. 
Some people think that since you get to stay home and watch movies all day it's pretty cool. 
But once you've watched six movies without doing anything else it gets a little old. 
Well, I guess I should only count five. I had a nice little Niquil nap during The Jedi Returns. 

I realize that this picture is really pointless, but I like it a whole lot and I don't have any other pictures to use on this post. I would take a picture of my sick self but I look like a train wreck and I won't put you through that. It started out with step throat and then all of the sudden a cold added itself to the mix. As you can imagine, sneezing is a pleasure. 

Now I live on Amoxicillan and icecream. All I really want is some waffles and a chapstick. You would be surprised as to how chappy your lips get when you are breathing only out of your mouth. I look outside and I want to cry, coming back to the inversion was not fun after being able to swim and play tennis for 3 days in St. George. 

I dread the homework that is staking up against me. One day I tried to do some of it and then decided to just blog stalk and play logic games instead. Do you like long, pointless posts? I usually don't but I am bored and so here you go. I'm never really sure how to end posts like this so I guess; THE END.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Post 101

St. George,
College life,
Sore IT band, 
Road trips, 
Ender's game.  

Friday, January 18, 2013

life's pretty good right now

Waking up in St. George is a pretty cool thing to do. 
Bunking out in a college dorm is pretty cool too. 
Not going to school when everyone else is at school rocks. 
This weekend is pretty good so far. 

Thursday, January 17, 2013

I guess I lied a little.

Once in a while I reward myself for accomplishing the things I wanted to accomplish during the week. Call me an idiot, but that's just how I get myself to do things. Last week it was a Dasani water bottle, this week I got the last orange juice out of the vending machine and drank it out of a fancy cup 
(yes, I am aware that I'm a child) and then listened to Mumford and Sons instead of packing. Cheers to the little things. Also, I am off to St. George in 2 hours. Cheers to warmer weather than here.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

This is as good as it's going to get.

I'm having a hard time with the whole "writing a blog post" thing lately.
Also, a hard time with the whole "getting up and doing something" thing.
How about I promise you a good long post about my trip to St. George this weekend and we call it even.

I really should be doing my laundry and cleaning the cat box. 
Eh, instead I'll just watch Pride and Prejudice and let the cat poop in my brother's room instead. 
That sounds like more fun. 

When Dad is away the whole idea of dinner together sort of goes away too. 
My mom asks me if I'll be offended if she takes her grilled cheese sandwich in her room to watch Biggest Loser. 
I tell her I'm her daughter and I was just about to ask her the same question. 

I decided that if I ever write a book it will be a satire. 
One huge, beautiful satire.
I like the thought of writing about something totally ludicrous to scare people into action. 
I also like that it is compared to slapping someone in the face,
which is always entertaining.

Today felt like Friday but it is only Wednesday 
and at the end of first and third period I thought it was fourth. 
And on that happy note, my oven just beeped and now my options are to,

a) Eat an entire pizza like a fat slob 
b) Keep blogging. 
I think you know which one I will pick. 

Sunday, January 13, 2013

why this new curriculum rocks

I am a fan of the new curriculum. 
Something always means more when it comes out of your own mouth. 
My Sunday school class has made a huge change.
Jaron has good comments instead of randomly shouting "I like food" on fast Sundays.
People volunteer to say the prayer without anyone reminding them that it will make their future spouse more attractive.
Me and Cole quote Scripture Scouts (well that isn't actually new) because it always has the answer. 
The new kid doesn't sit in the corner terrified of all 27 of us sarcastic kids, he talks, and has good stuff to say. 
We stop using dry humor to answer the teachers questions. Well, most of the questions. 
We behave and can get through a whole lesson. 
I've never been excited for Sunday school before, but lately, it kind of rocks. 
The church is true and the men who came up with this way of teaching are inspired. 
I am so grateful that they think of us enough to find ways to make going to church a more sacred and learning experience. 
(Thank Goodness It's Sunday School) 

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

The finer things in life.

Life lately is very, very confusing

When your life gets like this 
you tend to start feeling grateful for the finer things in life.
For example

"dropping" notes with songs you've written inside. 
they go like this:
"Jingle Bells, cleavage fails, sports bra's all the way"

Wearing your running clothes to sit on your butt.

Daydreaming about what it would be like to meet J.K Rowling. 
It would be awesome, by the way.

Feeling like an artist because you bought a fifty pack of markers. 
Drawing with them every night because it makes you awesome.

Making resolutions to laugh at yourself
Making resolutions to not compare yourself
Making resolutions to not make too many resolutions. 
So far. So good. 

Saturday, January 05, 2013

2 days

Two days until The Bachelor starts. 

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Why I like Mumford and Sons.

"But hold me fast, hold me fast, because I'm a hopeless wanderer" 

Let's play; who can find the link.
The boys have a website
Marcus has a book club
Ben's got a food blog
And Ted's got photographs 
Do you think I could get to Boston by February 5th to see them live?
Also, the banjo feeds my soul. 
Cheers to good music

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Constant Reminder

Welcome to 2013 everybody. 
And since it's the day of looking ahead and looking behind
Lets remember some things about 2012

I dove headfirst into January without knowing what a ride 2012 would be. 
I made the resolution not to make any resolutions
I became afraid of Global Warming because there was no snow
And I planned for my birthday far too much. 

In February life hit me hard in the face
I planned more for my birthday
I cramped like there was no tomorrow
I celebrated single's awareness day 
I turned 14
I cried about not being a beehive
And I felt taken for granted, hurt and angry.

March was an up in the roller coaster of 2012
I went to the Gold and Green ball and realized that no stake dance compares
I went to the arts festival at my mom's school and painted murals on faces
I washed my Temple recommend 
I went to the Hunger Games premiere and realized I hate mornings
And my sister's birthday snuck up on me. 

In April my thoughts were consumed with Florida
I packed for Florida
I flew to Florida
I went to Florida
I loved Florida
Universal studios became my second home
Harry Potter World became my first home.

May was filled with patronus days
I tried to have a Cinco De Mayo party
I saw the Avengers a few times
I flew a plane
I celebrated Keeley's and Kasia's birthdays
And summer finally began.

In June summer took me in a tidal wave of awesome
A friendship started new
I went to EFY 
My parents vacationed in Roatan
I moved to my new room downstairs
I ripped down my old blog and started this one

In July I cared too much about things I don't care about now
I went to the Temple by myself for the first time
I decided I hate babysitting
I got myself a bike and named him Phil Coulson
I celebrated Brooklyn's birthday
I went and saw Wicked and spent all my time on pottermore
And my sister got engaged.

I cried when summer ended in August
I went to girlscamp (aka girls vacation) 
I got good use out of Phil
I took a reading challenge 
My sister left to college
I became a freshman
And I gave up on nightgames.

In September I got on a Jane Austin High
I read and watched Pride and Prejudice too many times to count
I got a new calling as the miamaid secretary
I celebrated Emily's birthday
I texted my sister a whole lot
And I went on many dates with my mother

October was when I finally realized school had started
I watched a lot of Phineas and Ferb
I loved General Conference
I lost sight of my priorities
I became a professional slacklete 
I enjoyed taking the bus to school 
I started listening to Christmas music
And I wrote a whole lot of poetry.

November flew by faster than I could have ever imagined
I realized that life goes on
I rocked at states and capitals
I bruised like a peach
I choose to be Thankful
I decided that ordinary days are good days
And I found myself a pavilion.

December was busy. Lets leave it there
Attention became scarce.
Everything had to do with biology
I went to a few basketball games
I celebrated Hannah's birthday
I became a house elf
I gave up my room for some family
My sister got married
And Christmas happened. 

If you got through all of that I applaud you. 
Last year was crazy and full of ups and downs
half the stuff I cared about I don't care about now
It was messy, busy and beautiful
Happy New Year.