4th of July Christmas DIY Elvis Hannah New Year October Olan Rogers a pretty cool thing adventure advice animals art aunt flow avatar avengers awesome awkward babysitting beatles bed head best friend bike biking birthday blackmail books bored bright side brooklyn brother bucket list cammie camping captain america chalking college conference cousins d-day dad dreams dresses election day emily ends everything fall family feeling blue feet fellows fine food friday nights friends friendshow fun funny future gifts girls camp good gospel grandparents gratitude halloween happy harry potter hawaii help here's to hiking hipsters holiday holiday spirit home hot coca hygiene ice skating instagram lameo laughing lengthy lessons liebster links lists loads of pictures mail marriage media merry monday miamaids missionaries mom money mormon ads movies mumford and sons music mustaches nerd new night games parents park party past patriotic phone photo overload photos photoshoots pictures pie day pinterest presents pro con procrastonation promise prophet pumpkin question quotes rainstorm rambling reflections reminders reunions reward rocks sassy school screen shots scripture scouts scriptures seasons greetings secrets shakespeare shoes sick sisters sneak preview snow songs spiderman spring spruce start story study summer sundays super heros tagged teachers temple thanksgiving that explains it! the loser life travels tv tweets vacation video vote weekends whatever where the heart is wicked winning winter wonderland words are for smucks young womans

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Spiritual Sunday-Thoughts on the Theme

"Wherefore, stand ye in holy places, and be not moved, until the day of the Lord come; for behold, it cometh quickly, saith the Lord. Amen."
(D/C 87:8)

"Standing in holy places is all about being in good company, whether you are alone or with others. It’s being where the Holy Ghost is our companion—alone or in a crowd."

If we are to "be not moved" from our holy places, then we need to create a holy place wherever we go.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Biking Weather is here.
Also, I bought a new flower for my bedroom.
It's pretty great.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Frances Monson

The world lost a wonderful lady on Friday. I thought I would pay my respects with this story:

 "The first day I saw Frances, I knew I'd found the right one. The Lord brought us together later, and I asked her to go out with me. I went to her home to call on her. She introduced me, and her father said, 
"Monson'-that's a Swedish name, isn't it?" I said, Yes." He said, "Good." Then he went into another room and brought out a picture of two missionaries with their top hats and their copies of the Book of Mormon. "Are you related to this Monson," he said, "Elias Monson?" I said, "Yes, he's my grandfather's brother. He too was a missionary in Sweden." Her father wept. He wept easily. He said, "He and his companion were the missionaries who taught the gospel to my mother and father and all of my brothers and sisters and to me." He kissed me on the cheek. And then her mother cried, and she kissed me on the other cheek. And then I looked around for Frances. She said, "I'll go get my coat"
(President Thomas S. Monson, "Abundantly Blessed," Ensign, May 2008, 111.)

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Big symphony bars

Quick story about my mom:

Once upon a time there was a mom whose favorite child was her youngest daughter, Janna. Janna loved her mom very much and wanted her to know how grateful she was for her. Janna supposed that the whole world felt the same way because on May 12th there was a holiday created called Mother's Day. On Mother's all the kids tried to show their mom's some small portion of their gratitude for everything their mothers had given them. To celebrate mothers, Janna's ward sometimes passed out flowers, or letters, or big honking symphony bars. Janna's mom was such a great, selfless lady that when it was a big honking symphony bar that the ward gave, she gave it to Janna. Janna marveled at how someone could be so selfless that she even gave away the gift we tried to give her for giving to us.

Happy Mother's day.

Wednesday, May 08, 2013

I just want you to have a nice day

It's a Wednesday. We all need a smile.

Monday, May 06, 2013

It's just Africa

I drew Africa on the fridge. No biggie. 

Sunday, May 05, 2013

Spiritual Sunday

"If this isn't your castle, then you're not my prince"

I'm going to try and keep this short and sweet today. 
Dear boys of the world,
Respect is the most attractive thing you can do.
Respect your priesthood.
Respect women.
Respect the church.
Respect yourself.

Dear girls of the world, 
Keep looking. 
You can do better. 
Wait for respect.

Saturday, May 04, 2013


:Wishing they were still in Utah
:Eating all the toquitoes
:Buying birthday presents
:Missing my Dad (Taiwan this time) 
:Wearing my pants with a hole and a grass stain
:Not caring 

Thursday, May 02, 2013

Mister Jeffrey

Short and sweet sounds good to me:
Jeffrey is my brother.
He is now 17.
It's an understatement to say that he's my hero.