4th of July a pretty cool thing adventure advice animals art aunt flow avatar avengers awesome awkward babysitting beatles bed head best friend bike biking birthday blackmail books bored bright side brooklyn brother bucket list cammie camping captain america chalking Christmas college conference cousins d-day dad DIY dreams dresses election day Elvis emily ends everything fall family feeling blue feet fellows fine food friday nights friends friendshow fun funny future gifts girls camp good gospel grandparents gratitude halloween Hannah happy harry potter hawaii help here's to hiking hipsters holiday holiday spirit home hot coca hygiene ice skating instagram lameo laughing lengthy lessons liebster links lists loads of pictures mail marriage media merry monday miamaids missionaries mom money mormon ads movies mumford and sons music mustaches nerd new New Year night games October Olan Rogers parents park party past patriotic phone photo overload photos photoshoots pictures pie day pinterest presents pro con procrastonation promise prophet pumpkin question quotes rainstorm rambling reflections reminders reunions reward rocks sassy school screen shots scripture scouts scriptures seasons greetings secrets shakespeare shoes sick sisters sneak preview snow songs spiderman spring spruce start story study summer sundays super heros tagged teachers temple thanksgiving that explains it! the loser life travels tv tweets vacation video vote weekends whatever where the heart is wicked winning winter wonderland words are for smucks young womans

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

I always like to be a winner (part 2)

Someone started the Liebster thing again. 
Secretly I am pleased.
I have been tagged by the lovely Carrie

The rules and stuff:
-Eleven facts about yourself
-Answer the questions 
-Create your own questions
-Choose your nominees
-Let them know
-No tag backs

Facts about yours truly: 
-The Voice is on. Constantly
-The first thing I do every morning is press snooze on my alarm clock. Then pop my thumbs
-I like to sneak notes into peoples flour sack baby clothes
-I have an irrational fear of Costco. Something about not having a real ceiling
-This happened. I don't know how.
-My blog has secret tabs. I am actually proud of their stealth. Click around on some pictures, you might be surprised.
-I feel naked if I don't have a collar on. 
-Classic rock makes me cry with happiness. and all oldies bands. 
-Out of all the places I have been with my family, my favorite is Harry Potter world. Call me a nerd, see if I care.
-Every once and a while I will listen to rain instead of music. 
-One day I will marry Nathan Steed from "The Work And The Glory" he is my idea of the perfect man.

Questions Via Carrie:
Would you prefer to only have fruits or veggies for the rest of your life? 
No question! fruit for sure. This sweet tooth can't be handled.
Favorite store to shop at?
Online or in person? Lets see, Ruche for online, and Etsy. For real stores I like Forever 21, Target, and Hobby Lobby.
No shave november. what are your feelings on this? 
I am a fan. I feel free not to shave my legs in support of this (well maybe not just to support it) Also if you click around on my blog you may just find a link to the Movember website. Feel free to make a donation. 
DC comics or Marvel?
Marvel. It's complicated. Actually, it's really not, Marvel is better. 
Favorite feature?
Do I really have to choose? I'm Joking! I guess probably my hair. I am a ginger and I like it. 
Who is your idol? and why? 
I never really thought about that. I guess my classy grandmas. I always wanted to be a classy lady.
What are you thankful for?What am I NOT thankful for? I don't think I can even comprehend how lucky I am. I am especially thankful for the gospel and my family. 
Pet peeve?
Bubble-poppers, Broken filters, Ditchers
Favorite thing about the holidays?
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
I honestly can't remember. I am not a huge fan of phones. (Or people) Joking, I have to say my calling tree. I had fun informing them what we are doing for young womans. Even if nobody believed me when I told them they needed to bring a rake. 
Snow or rain? why?
Depends on the season. Most of the time rain but for a few weeks in the beginning of winter it's snow.

I'm not following the rest of the rules. 

1 comment:

Anna said...

Um number 6 gotta copy that do you mind? SO GENIUS:)